Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter Everyone!

Remember folks - Easter isn't all about sitting on the laps of men in bunny costumes or finding dyed eggs on your lawn. There's a reason for the Season, gang! This day actually began because the Christian-type churches wanted to stomp out the ongoing Pagan fertility celebrations of Spring's return that were spread across a variety of cultures. Or something (cut me some slack, people - this isn't "Look Out! Here Comes a Comparative Religions Blog!").

And how did they do this? They spread the heartwarming tale of a lovable zombie named Jesus Christ. Sometimes by force, but always with love. Go to Scaffer The Darklord's MySpace Page and click on Night of The Living Christ to hear this beautiful story . . . Nerdcore-style.

But hey, remember folks, there's no such thing as a War On Easter.Sure, there were the occasional burning of heretics at the stake, but mostly? The only things that got warmed were people's hearts. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww. And not many people realize this, but Spider-Man helped out too!

Yay, Spidey!

And now we have chocolate rabbits, big and bigger. More importantly, Easter gave birth to those most blessed of creatures, Peeps! Say what you want, I love these sweet, gentle creatures. Especially when they fight to the death:

I hope that all of you enjoy this special day, be it filled with making Marshmallow creatures Fight to the Death or a hearty feast. And enjoy the worship of whomever you hold dear - be it the sacrifice of a loving Zombie, a gentle Pagan celebration, or Buddha. Buddha really loves Easter, you know. He'll eat all your honey-baked ham if you don't watch him like a hawk. Your yams too. Seriously. I'm not even kidding. If you meet the Buddha on the road, don't invite Buddha to Easter Dinner. Dude's kind of a tool - unlike our resurrected ZJC, who also slays Vampires in his spare time:

Like, a LOT of Vampires, actually:

Go Jesus! Zombie defeats Vamipres FTW!

So mainly, the lesson here I'm trying to impart is this - Easter Kicks Ass!

And don't piss off the Easter Bunny.

ETA: Polite Dissent also loves Peeps and Comics - and like an Easter Mad Scientist, he's combined the two!

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